I help you generate Profiled Leads in B2B, with LinkedIn Ads Campaigns

A consulting service of Lead Generation on LinkedIn Ads, LinkedIn's advertising program for generating profiled contacts of potential customers in B2B, optimizing acquisition costs, in 4 steps:

Emanuele Chiericato, LinkedIn Ads Consultant

Wonderful work done together with Emanuele in creating LinkedIn Ads campaigns. Great clarity, great method combining the theoretical and practical parts, enormous humility and expertise. Thank you!

How LinkedIn ADS Campaign Consulting Works.

The 4 steps that make up Consulting in the creation and management of LinkedIn Ads campaigns.


Product & Service Analysis, Target & Strategy

In this first phase we go to understand who is the potential customer you want to intercept with LinkedIn Ads advertising and what strategy to adopt to achieve the conversion goals (Lead Generation) pre-set.


Creating LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns, Landing Pages and Setting Tracking

In this second phase, the more operational part of the service begins: we will go on to build one or more possible Landing Pages for contact acquisition depending on the chosen strategy, create sponsored campaigns on LinkedIn Ads depending on the identified target audience, taking advantage of the tool's profiling options, and finally set up all the tracking to understand return on investment and user experience.

Linkedin Ads Consultant
Linkedin Ads Consulting

LinkedIn Ads Monitoring and Optimization.

In this phase we constantly monitor the performance of advertising campaigns from the point of view of performance indicators (including conversions, cost per lead, cost per click, CTR, frequency), making optimizations aimed at maximizing results in terms of quantity, quality and cost per lead.


What about after we acquire the lead? Email Marketing Automation

In this phase, after the acquisition of the Lead, we can implement a series of initiatives of Email Marketing Automation To convert the lead into a customer.

Email Marketing Automation

"His competence is confirmed by the results, moreover I appreciated his professionalism and transparency"


"A serious, knowledgeable and reliable professional who can tell on the fly what works and what doesn't. Working with him is a pleasure and a source of continuous stimulation."

Case Studies and Results of LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns.

Below are some of the case studies of consulting in creating and managing LinkedIn Ads campaigns.

LinkedIn Ads Campaigns in the Software Industry with LinkedIn Ads

With an ERP management software company, we were able to acquire profiled, data-rich leads from decision makers in structured companies with a series of LinkedIn Ads campaigns, Neuromarketing-optimized Landing Pages, and CROWhite Paper, Video Case Study and Demo downloads.

LinkedIn Ads campaigns in the Education sector with LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads Campaigns
With a company that sells training and consulting in a B2B manufacturing sector, we were able to acquire profiled leads for training and consulting activities, reducing the CPL from €25 to €10 thanks to numerous tests on targeting, bidding and creativity.

LinkedIn Ads campaigns in the consulting industry with LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads Campaigns
With a company that sells tax and fiscal consulting services in B2B, we were able to acquire profiled decision maker leads for a specific service by optimizing CPL and communicating appropriately with the help of a Landing Page.

"We tackled the creation of lead generation campaigns for LinkedIn, enormous humility and expertise."

How We Can Collaborate

Here are the 3 main ways I work with client companies.

LinkedIn Ads Campaign Consulting

In this case, after a strategic part carried out together and aimed at understanding product or service, target, buying process and strategy, I proceed with the creation of the eventual Landing Page and the necessary tracking and implementation of LinkedIn Ads campaigns.

Overseeing LinkedIn Ads Campaigns

In this case, I supervise existing projects, suggesting the most appropriate initiatives for achieving results and improving KPIs, interfacing with the people who are entrusted in practice with the implementation of the initiatives to be carried out, such as the trusted agency or internal staff.

LinkedIn Ads Training

In this case I conduct tailored training on the LinkedIn Ads platform, going through all the steps of the platform in a consequential, practical and advanced manner and sharing best practices and mistakes to avoid. Conducted on Google Meet and or similar platforms. If you prefer a video solution, check out the LinkedIn Ads course.


"Professionalism, competence, availability distinguish him in every aspect both work and human"


"He gave us a lot of advice in the company on how to manage customers and contacts, helping us to have an increase in sales."

About me

My name is Emanuele Chiericato and I have been professionally involved in Web Marketing consulting and training for 13 years, with a focus on Lead Generation and Email Marketing Automation.
I am Author of "Lead Generation: get new contacts and turn them into loyal customers", published in 2017 by Flaccovio Editore, 1st Reprint 2018 and Speaker in national events on Web Marketing such as SMAU, Da Zero a SEO, Inbound Strategies, Adworld Experience.
Want to know more? Here is my website.


"His techniques have proven effective in improving the visibility of a major client."


"Emanuele is professional, knowledgeable, reliable, accurate, his skills are amazing."

Shall we have a chat?

Contact me without obligation to schedule an initial analysis. 
