How to use video to increase leads, sales and conversions

Did you know:

The use of a video in your web marketing strategies can suit different purposes, depending also on where your potential customer is in their buying process or funnel of sale.

As is the case in content marketing andemail marketing automation, where depending on the location of your potential customer in the funnel of sales changes the type of content you write, so does that form of content represented by videos.

Depending on whether your potential customer doesn't know you yet and is therefore in the so-called Awareness or, vice versa, is very close to conversion, you will need to change the content of your videos. Let's see how.

What type of video in the sales funnel?

Resuming the classic phases of the sales funnel and inbound marketing, we can say that in the Awareness phase will be suitable for the How To Video, aimed at educating the user and answering their questions.

What about in the Consideration phase?

Consideration phase: animated videos

In the Consideration phase, an explanatory video explaining how, starting from a problem, your product or service can solve it can be useful: animated videos, which according to a statistic of Unbounce, Can increase conversions of 20% given the ability to hold viewer attention for an average of 2.7 seconds, versus the typical 8.

Ah, to make this kind of animated video you can use Doodly.

Decision / Conversion Phase: Video testimonials

In the Decision phase, a video that leverages Testimonials and social proof, showing how others have successfully used your product or service.

According to Justin Nassiri of VideoGenie videos with testimonials maintain an average viewer attention span of 100 seconds OF MEDIA.

Some tips on this type of video:

  • Keep it under 2 minutes, ideally 90 seconds, of which:
    • The first 30 seconds to talk about the client;
    • the next 30 seconds to talk about the problem you are facing;
    • the last 30 seconds of how the product solves that problem;

A small case study

Here is a small case study from my book Lead Generation:

Video, placed within a landing page, is a great way to:
- convey concepts or the operation of a product in a direct and simple way, such as in the case of software;
- Increase the credibility of a professional, who through video "puts their face on it";

Let's start with the first point: let's assume you have a software and your conversion goal is to register users to a Trial version.

A good idea for explaining software is to have people "touch and feel" how it works, either with a demo version or with a video, which shows how it works and what it can do.

But, as we were saying, video is not only a potentially effective solution for intangible products but also for a professional to suggest credibility to their proposal.

As proof of the "persuasive power" of video, in July 2014 I did a little experiment along these lines with an old site of mine.

The goal was to acquire leads, specifically contacts from companies potentially interested in a consulting service SEO.

The traffic source chosen, at an early stage was a campaign of Google Adwords (editor's note: now Google ADS) on Search Network, choosing keywords that represented the expressed need, such as "consulting seo" and "seo consultant".

Clicks to the campaign flowed to a page describing the service.
After an initial phase without particular results, I introduced in the landing page a short video, just 3 minutes long, where I described in first person the service and its features.

The introduction of the presentation video alone brought a conversion rate of 20% (20 quote requests for every 100 clicks).

Since the only change made was really the introduction of video, I attributed the change in results to the latter.

Obviously, like all tools, you have to be careful to create the video according to a certain logic.

Specifically, if you want to add a video to your landing pages, I recommend:
- create it professionally
- make it short
- Structure the speech organically, talking about the service, its benefits, including any references to support your credibility and a final call to action

From "Lead Generationyou obtain new contacts and transform them in fidelity customers", of Emanuele Chiericato, Flaccovio Editore

Where to place your video within your landing page

To answer this question, it's important to first understand what a video is for.

If, as is often the case, it is a way to insert a hero image or hero shot within the landing page, its natural location is above the fold, i.e. the area before the page scroll.

According to a study done by Wistia, on a sample of 95000 videos, as we move away from above the fold, especially after the first 750 pixels, the rate of use of the video drops dramatically, as you can see from this heat map:

heat map video

Be careful, because this side is not only about the function of the video, i.e. whether someone watches it or not, but also about the relationship between video and conversion, i.e. whether people, once they see the video, become customers.

According to Wistia in fact there is a direct relationship between those who watch the video and those who then subscribe to the service:

At Wistia, we've found that visitors who engage with a video are substantially more likely to sign up for a hosting plan than those who don't.


How big must be the video

Also according to the study, an ideal size is between 400 and 600 pixelswhich ensures that the video doesn't take up the whole screen but at the same time is visible enough.

It's no coincidence that from 1200 pixels onwards the percentage of those who see the video rises again: this can be explained by the fact that with such a size the user doesn't have many other options than watching it, since the video takes up the whole screen.

Regarding height, Keep it between 300 and 450 pixels:

Try creating a video-only landing page

A landing page just for videos could provide better results in terms of conversions.

For example, fitness coach Carl Juneau increased conversions of 46% from those who viewed a video-only landing page.

During a A/B Test also tried to write a sales letter long below video but conversions dropped dramatically.

But why a Does video-only landing page work so well?

Here's a hypothesis: Visitors are very intrigued by video-only landing pages and click on the page because they are attracted to it and want to get more information.

Carl Junger who has been observing the performance of its landing pages, also tried to test a page without video but with a call to action that mentions it:

Landing Page Video

In case the conversion rate showed an improvement of 14.18% compared to the landing page that doesn't mention any video. So as we see from Carl Junger's study, videos are definitely a very useful tool to be able to get more conversions and attract the reader's attention accordingly.

Video: better autoplay or manual startup?

Most likely you have never noticed the difference between the Conversion rate of a video that starts automatically or one that you have to start by pressing the play button.

You need to know that these can actually have a different conversion rate based on where you choose to place a video with autoplay or start via button.

According to a study conducted by Vidyard, autoplay videos are most viewed when they are in a newsletter or landing pageFinally, we find the advertising videos, even if they are often considered very annoying by users.

Autoplay video

Instead, the study states that for Social Media, blogs and web pages, the most viewed videos are those that involve voluntary startup via the playback button.

Play Button

But when are these videos most viewed?

According to research, videos get more views and work better when:

  • are positioned above the fold;
  • the video player is large enough (for example the best players are those with dimensions 480x720px);
  • There is a Text call-to-action within the videos;

Better embed video or link?

According to Treepodia the video should always be embedded i.e. Embedded within your own web page or landing page, and you shouldn't dwell on the simple insertion of the link.

In fact, if you add a simple link to video from any product page you can expect to see the video and a conversion between the 5 and 15%.

On the other hand, if you insert a video with an embedded player within the page, the percentage of the view is between 10 and 35%.

How long should a video be?

Most users does not watch a video until the end. For example, a video with an average length of two minutes is only half seen by most people who start playback. What does this mean? Create beautiful but short videos, you could create them 30 seconds long, but if you can't, The important thing is that it lasts less than two minutes. Present only the most important information and leave the details for later.

Insert a CTA: 2 tools for lead generation with video

Two tools you can use for lead generation To be able to capture more users with videos are: Wistia and Vimeo Pro.

Wistia has made an analysis on this matter by examining 15 thousand videos with internal call to action, and found that those who had positioned it during the first 10 or 20% of the video, had higher conversion rates ranging from 38 to 43%.

Video Conversion

Wistia is a very useful platform to be able to work on lead generation with videos and has various features such as:

  • the possibility of creating a customizable reader;
  • Advanced tools for marketing and video analytics;
  • You can create professional videos in minutes even with your computer camera;
  • in-depth guides to be able to market and control the progress of videos.

Besides Wistia also Vimeo is a widely used platform and that offers good results when you want to work with videos.

With this platform, it is possible:

  • have a player that is fast, customizable and easy to integrate anywhere;
  • you can control who sees your videos and use advanced privacy settings ;
  • Create the videos also together with your team working faster, also using options to comment on wrangles.

How to get more results from a video with a smile

Video preview

According to some analyses creating customized previews with a smiling human face offers more conversions. In fact, if you had a choice between displaying an image with text or an image of a human face which would be your favorite? Surely, like the rest of the people, you would prefer to see a human face smiling at you.

According to WishpondIn fact, smiles are a symbol of openness and friendliness. The smile is also universally understood as a tool for succeeding in improve the attractiveness of a subject and as a result it will be possible to positively influence sales. During a A/B testing of 5 weeks, Wishpond managed two videos one with a smiling face, the other without.

According to the survey at the end of the test, the smiling image earned returns of 10.7% more than the one without a smiling face.

Personalized videos for potential customers

Another way to speed up the sales process and increase conversion rates is to Send personalized videos via email to your potential customers. More often than not, salespeople spend half their day "struggling" to get leads on the phone. Not only that, maybe they respond to an email, or an initial phone call but then there's radio silence. So how do you convert these leads? Simple take advantage of video mails, as did Rep. sales of Bamboo HR:

Bamboo HR Video

As you can see from this video, choosing a custom product submission creates a more human selling experience and customized.

This strategy has not only brought success to Bamboo HR.

Check out this post below from the Wistia community:

Posts by Wistia

The use of voice video messages resulted in opening rates of 16% and CTRs of 17%. With these strategies you can use video to be able to effectively grow your business. This preference goes beyond web content, it has been proven that even including the word video within the email subject line can increase open rates by 19%. The click through Surprisingly outperformed the 65%, while enrollment cancellations decreased by 26%.

Track video embedded in your landing page with GTM

Google Tag Manager provides built-in activators and variables that are used to track a video embedded within your landing page.

Thanks to this feature, after inserting the Youtube video within the site or landing page, you can thanks to the API of the video and the Google Tag Manager activators have precise information about the behavior of users with your video in the landing page.

For example, you can see how many people clicked play or pause, how many viewed the video, and what percentage.

You can find out if have only seen the beginning, half of the video, the 75%, or if they have seen it in its entirety. To understand at best this concept you can view this blog article by Unbounce: Are People Watching Your Landing Page Videos? Here's How to use Google Tag Manager to Check

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